past, present, future.

this is what I have done until now,
in order, motocross, merchandising, carpentry, CNC machining and physics are a good synthesis of my life. Below, the next order of the expansion.
I am a doctoral researcher in quantum thermodynamics and quantum information theory under the supervision of Prof Janet Anders and Dr Simon Horsley within the Quantum Non-Equilibrium Group.
My project's aim is to find the deepest connection between the several mathematical structures used to approximate the dynamics of open quantum systems.
In other words, in the first courses of quantum mechanics, we learn how to deal with closed systems. However, when interaction with the environment is considered, things change, we cannot describe easily the dynamics of the system and approximations have to be made. Moreover, there are a variety of approximations tailored to different problems. This is the issue my project addresses, can we obtain a better understanding of these approximations? Can we merge them in a bigger, global picture?
education and employment.
- MASt in Physics, University of Cambridge (UK), 2018-2019
- BSc in Physics, University of Siena (Italy), 2014-2018
- CNC programmer in carpentry, Falegnameria Fosca - Siena (Italy), 2013-2015
- Tech merchandiser, Fnac - Firenze (Italy), 2010-2013
schools and conferences.
- A mini-course on Quantum-Information Thermodynamics, Online, December 2020
- Quantum thermodynamics of non-equilibrium systems, Online, October 2020
- Quantum thermodynamics for young scientists, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Germany), February 2020
- Postgraduate appetizers: 6 tasty talks on Master's topics (Organiser), Siena (Italy) - December 2019
- Frontiers of quantum thermodynamics, Exeter/Brixham (UK), September 2019
- QuICC summer school, Leeds (UK), August 2019
- Entanglement in quantum systems, Galileo Galilei Institute - Firenze (Italy), June 2018
- CERN summer student, Geneva (Switzerland), June-August 2017
talks and posters.
- "Energetics of information" (talk) - CEMPS Sustainability summer school, Online, July 2021
- "Local master equations bypass the secular approximation" (talk) - EMPS PGR conference, Online, March 2021
- "Local master equations bypass the secular approximation" (poster) - Quantum thermodynamics of non-equilibrium systems, Online, October 2020
- "Probing the geometry of open-system dynamics" (poster) - Quantum thermodynamics for young scientists, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Germany), February 2020
- "Maxwell's demon and the wedding between thermodynamics and information" (talk) - Postgraduate appetizers: 6 tasty talks on Master's topics (Organiser), Siena - December 2019
- "Quantum Estimation of Entanglement Properties in Lattice Spin Systems" (talk) - 4th Italian conference of physics students (IAPS), Pisa - April 2018
- IT and electronics skills (PHY1028), teaching assistant, University of Exeter 2020-2022
- Scientific programming in C (PHY2027), teaching assistant, University of Exeter 2020-2022
- Quantum mechanics I (PHY2022), tutoring, University of Exeter 2020-2022
- Thermal physics (PHY2023), tutoring, University of Exeter 2019-2020
memberships and certificates.
- Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 2 (LTHE 2), 2020
- Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 1 (LTHE 1), 2020
- Institute of Physics (IOP), MInstP, member 2018-present (student & associate member 2015-2018)
- European Physics Society (EPS), student membership, 2016-2018
Other than physics, I love cycling and doing motocross (once a year I still pretend to be a motocross rider), I have much fun coding in different languages and building DIY stuff. Also, FPS gaming and tennis lately joined the community of interests.
- My Google Scholar
- My University page, pretty much what is in this page.