
unlearn, relearn. In this page, you find the material I use for the tutorials and some other stuff.
tutorial quantum mechanics phy2022 - university of Exeter.
Down here, useful links and the material for the tutorials.
- page of the course - here, you find all the notes you need. Wikipedia for QM is sometimes very dangerous..
- suggestions - to make any suggestion on particular topics you would like to touch in the tutorials.
tutorial thermal physics phy2023 - university of Exeter.
Down here, useful links and the material for the tutorials.
- page of the course - here, you find all the notes you need. If used cautiously, Wikipedia is also a great source.
- suggestions - to make any suggestion on particular topics you would like to touch in the tutorials.
notes - university of Cambridge.
The notes I used in Cambridge are still raw and work-in-progress, they will arrive (not too) soon.
notes - university of Siena.
This is the material from my Bachelor's (in Italian). The subjects are the following:
- algebra
- algebra lineare e geometria superiore
- calcolo
- calcolo numerico
- chimica
- complementi di fisica
- fisica 1
- fisica 2
- fisica 3
- fluidi e termodinamica
- lab 1
- lab 2
- lab 3
- meccanica analitica
- meccanica quantistica
- metodi matematici della fisica
- nucleare e subnucleare
- onde e ottica fisica
- programmazione
- spettroscopia
- struttura della materia
- tecniche sperimentali
- vario materiale